Une Quote Part

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“And thus, the actions of life often not allowing any delay, it is a truth very certain that, when it is not in our power to determine the most true opinions we ought to follow the most probable.” ― Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method tags: logic, rationality, truth, wisdom 197 likes. Using short or long quotes) from the appendix. Appendices must be referred to in the body of the text; for example, ‘details of the questionnaire are given in Appendix B. NOTE: Appendices are not included in the word count. Examples of appendix items Appendices may include some of the following. Many translated example sentences containing 'notre quote part' – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations.

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assessed contributions assessment quota shares scale methodology


quotes-parts non acquittées129
montant des quotes-parts118
Le Comité préparatoire a encouragé les États parties à verser sans retard leurs quotes-parts.
The Preparatory Committee encouraged States Parties to pay their assessed contributions without delay.
A plus long terme, rien ne peut remplacer le versement intégral et rapide des quotes-parts.
In the longer term, there is no substitute for Member States' paying their assessed contributions promptly and in full.
Par sa résolution ICC-ASP/1/Res., l'Assemblée a adopté les barèmes des quotes-parts applicables au premier exercice.
In its resolution ICC-ASP/1/Res., the Assembly decided on the scales of assessment for the first financial period.
Il conviendrait donc d'améliorer les méthodes de calcul des quotes-parts et d'éliminer les déséquilibres actuels.
Methods of assessment could thus be improved and the present distortions eradicated.
Par ailleurs, une augmentation exceptionnelle des quotes-parts refléterait plus fidèlement le poids économique international des membres.
An ad hoc quota increase would help better to reflect members' international economic weight.
L'obligation des courtiers en douane de vérifier les quotes-parts ne change pas.
The obligation for quota verification by Customs Brokers remains the same.
Mais la réforme des quotes-parts ne représente qu'un élément d'une série de réformes essentielles.
But quota reform is only one part of a broader package of needed reforms.
Réforme des quotes-parts et de la représentation au FMI 2.
Nous exhortons tous les Membres à verser rapidement leurs quotes-parts.
We urge all Members to pay their assessed contributions promptly.
On a relevé que le Secrétariat avait redoublé d'efforts pour recouvrer les quotes-parts non acquittées.
It is noted that the Secretariat has intensified its efforts to collect outstanding assessed contributions.

Une Quote-part In English

Elles souscrivent aux recommandations du Comité concernant les quotes-parts des nouveaux États Membres.
Delegations supported the recommendations of the Committee on Contributions concerning the assessed contributions of new Member States.
Le versement des quotes-parts est une obligation au titre de la Charte des Nations Unies.
Payment of assessed contributions is an obligation under the United Nations Charter.
Les quotes-parts des pays en développement ne devraient pas excéder 5 %.
Developing countries' share of the assessed contributions should not exceed five per cent.
Les quotes-parts sont des obligations juridiques contraignantes.
Assessed contributions are binding legal obligations.
L'Organisme de coordination établira les quotes-parts relatives au financement du budget confédéral.
The Coordination Body will establish the quota for funding the confederal budget.
La pratique consistant à retarder ou à retenir le versement des quotes-parts établies est malheureusement fort répandue.
The practice of delaying or withholding payment of assessed contributions is unfortunately widespread.
Le versement dans les délais des quotes-parts est essentiel pour la viabilité de l'Organisation.
The timely payment of assessed contributions was essential to the viability of the Organization.
Cela signifie que les États Membres doivent acquitter leurs quotes-parts ponctuellement.
That required Member States to pay their assessed contributions in a timely manner.
L'Article 19 de la Charte s'applique à toutes les quotes-parts.
Article 19 of the Charter applied to all assessed contributions.
Les quotes-parts servent aussi à déterminer les voix de chaque pays membre.
Quota also determines the voting power of each member country.
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barème des quotes-parts1466
calcul des quotes-parts124

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Key words: direct quote, short quote, long quote, reporting words and phrases, indenting, ellipsis

Occasionally, you may use direct quotes (the exact words of the author) as evidence in your writing. It is useful sometimes to use the original words of the author when those exact words carry special significance. Direct quoting should not, however, be the primary strategy for presenting evidence in your writing.

Please note that the APA referencing style is used in this workshop.

About direct quotes

When you use a direct quote, you copy and reference the exact word/s of the author into your writing. A direct quote may be:

  • One word
  • A phrase or part of a sentence
  • A sentence
  • A group of sentences
Exercise 1: Identifying direct quotes

Read this paragraph and note the direct quotes:

For ALL quotes:
  • Use the exact words of the author
  • Make sure your quotation blends with the sentence
  • Use strong or weak author to acknowledge the source
  • Use reporting words or phrases to integrate the quote into your writing
  • Reference your source of information with author, date and page or paragraph number

Rules for short & long direct quotes

When you decide to use the exact words of an author in your writing, you will need to consider whether you want to use only a few words (short quote) or a longer chunk of text (long quote). There are different rules for using quotes according to the length of the quote.

Short direct quotes (APA rules)

Short quotes are less than 40 words. Follow these conventions:

  • use double quotation marks “…”
  • include the quote in the text by using reporting words
According to Princeton Writing Centre (2009, para. 7), direct quotes should only be used provide support for academic argument for a “compelling” (one word) reason and the choice to quote may be because “you want your readers to be able to see, in full, what someone else has said” (16 words) before you go on to analyse the statement.

Long direct quotes (APA rules)

Long quotes are 40 words or more. Follow these conventions:

  • leave no space above and below the long quote
  • make the text size the same as the essay text size
  • indent approximately one centimetre to the right
  • do not use quotation marks

Students often misunderstand the role of quotations in writing and overdo the strategy:

Students include four quotations where one would do. This can give the impression that you don’t have enough to say and are using quotations to take up space [a common strategy for some students]. Also, the excessive use of quotes … may be taken to indicate that you don’t understand the position well enough to explain it in your own words. (Dartmouth, 2008, para. 11) (62 words)

Une Quote Part Of The Story

Moreover, there are a number of technical rules that students need to learn to use quotations correctly in their writing.

Rules for punctuating direct quotes

When you join your introductory words to your quote, use the following punctuation rules:

Click on each link for a description.

No punctuation if the quote is fully integrated
According to Princeton Writing Centre (2009, para. 7), direct quotes should only be used provide support for academic argument for a “compelling” reason and that the choice to quote may be because “you want your readers to be able to see, in full, what someone else has said before you go on to analyse the statement” …
A comma if you have used a reporting word or phrase
As the Princeton Writing Centre (2009, para. 7) instructs its students, “You should present a quote exactly as the author wrote it, down to the punctuation”.
No comma if you've used a reporting word or phrase followed by 'that'
The Princeton Writing Centre (2009, para. 7) instructs its students that “You should present a quote exactly as the author wrote it, down to the punctuation”.
Punctuation mark goes after the end of the quote
Princeton Writing Centre (2009, para. 7) instructs its students, “You should present a quote exactly as the author wrote it, down to the punctuation”, and that they must “observe all of the rules if any changes are made to the text or punctuation of a quote“.
A colon (:) OR a comma precedes (goes before) most long quotes (more than 40 words).

Writing teachers note that students often misunderstand the role of quotations in writing and overdo the strategy. For example:

[S]tudents include four quotations where one would do. This can give the impression that you don’t have enough to say and are using quotations to take up space. Also, the excessive use of quotes can make an assignment look like a patchwork quilt which may be taken to indicate that you don’t understand the position well enough to explain it in your own words. (Dartmouth, 2008, para. 11)

Rules for modifying quotes

Une Quote Part

Exercise 2: Modifying direct quotes

Click on ‘Start analysis’ to see how the quotes have been modified

Une Quote Part Of The Day

Conventions for modifying direct quotes

The following table gives you a few of the most common rules for modifying the words of authors in a direct quote:

Making a changeCorrect convention
Leaving out some words (because you may not need all of the words in the middle of the quote)Use an ellipsis signal (three dots … ). Leave a space either side of the 3 dots
Changing the capitalisation of a letterUse square brackets [ ] around the letter
Adding words to the quote (without changing the meaning)Use square brackets [ ] around the added words

Don’t do this!

  • Don’t just dump quoted information into your paragraph. Blend the words of the author with your own words.
  • Don’t use too many direct quotes in your writing (e.g. 2-3 long quotes and 4-5 short quotes is enough in a 2000 word essay). The lecturers prefer to see paraphrasing – writing quotes in your own words).
  • Don’t change a couple of words from a direct quote and think that it is a paraphrase – either use the exact words or change the words of the author significantly so that it is a correct paraphrase.
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