Ocasio Cortez Job

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Socialist blue New York is seeing its locals fleeing to other states, and with those kind of losses, someone's congressional seat has got to go.

Whose seat is on the block? The Daily Wire has a report:

According to pollster Frank Luntz, New York is likely to lose a seat in Congress after the 2020 census and Democrats in the state legislature will have to redraw the state's Congressional districts as a result. Although there are plenty of places to cut, New York Dems are reportedly eyeing Ocasio-Cortez's Bronx district for elimination because she's been out of sync with state-level Democrats who control the process.


— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 28, 2021. At least one participant in the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol reportedly made violent threats against Ocasio-Cortez specifically. When jobs go, so do people, so guess what: Ocasio-Cortez might just be out on her ear. Democracy has this way of leavening things out — more of the good stuff, less of the bad. With a declining. Ocasio-Cortez is looking to fill positions including a deputy chief of staff, a legislative director, a district press secretary, a digital content manager, a scheduler, a staff assistant, a. Ocasio-Cortez cheered the Amazon pullout and, with it, 25,000 jobs. She hated $2.8 billion in tax breaks the online retail giant was to receive, but the deal might have brought in $27 billion in. Our office is hiring! Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s office has been accepted to the Wounded Warrior Fellowship Program. This program will fund a wounded veteran for a 2-year fellowship with our team. The position pays $52,000/year with benefits, and will be based out of our district office in Jackson Heights, Queens.

'New York is expected to lose a House seat after the 2020 Census, and state Democrats are looking to draw out @AOC's district,' Luntz wrote on Twitter. He included a link to an article from a local New York City magazine, The City, that suggested the Ocasio-Cortez is doubling down on her efforts to encourage her constituents to fill out the 2020 census so that she can stay in office.

The report goes on to note that the machinations of New York's state legislators skew against Ocasio-Cortez's spot, given that she doesn't get along with them. There's also the matter of some of New York's other Democrats within the machinery having it in for her, given that she ousted a longtime machine pol, Joe Crowley, who probably dished out many favors to them.

Ocasio Cortez Job

But the real message is in the hard fact that New York is losing people, and that loss is firmly rooted in Ocasio-Cortez's animating philosophy: socialism. Socialism the world over drives people to flight. This is as true in New York as it is in Venezuela, China, Russia, North Korea, and Cuba.

And Ocasio-Cortez herself was directly responsible for some of the drive-out, based on her halting of a highly sought Amazon operation in her district. Amazon explicitly stated that Ocasio-Cortez's statements are what made the company change its mind and go someplace less hostile to business. She also drove out other investors, ridiculously claiming that their jobs weren't good enough, not 'dignified jobs,' as if to say that no jobs is better than jobs she claims to be underpaid or unimportant. Residents in her district have commented on that drive-out, and they weren't happy. And Amazon was just one of them. There were many others.

When jobs go, so do people, so guess what: Ocasio-Cortez might just be out on her ear. Democracy has this way of leavening things out — more of the good stuff, less of the bad. With a declining population base, the seats go. The Daily Wire already noted that Ocasio-Cortez has been banking on her district's abundant illegals to make up the difference, but even that may not save her. Illegals flee socialism for the same reason citizens and legal residents, too: the lack of economic growth. When the state takes everything and leaves you with nothing, why would anyone want to stay?

Amazon has since made moves to return to New York, raising questions as to whether it heard that Ocasio-Cortez's seat is about to become history.

If so, it's a good sign it is. Ocasio-Cortez might just have socialisted herself out of a job based on nobody wanting to be around for all that worker paradise. Let's hope she has.

Image credit: Screen grab from NBC News via shareable YouTube.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Net Worth

On Tuesday, far-left socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a meltdown on Twitter after Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, a centrist in the Democratic party, criticized her for not taking her job seriously.

“I guess she put the dagger stare on me,” Manchin said to The New York Times in response to Ocasio-Cortez who previously trolled him on Twitter. “I don’t know the young lady — I really don’t. I never met her. I’m understanding she’s not that active with her bills or in committee. She’s more active on Twitter than anything else.”

The report from the Times also stated that Manchin’s words constituted “a sharp insult” because in the Senate “legislative prowess is prized.”

Ocasio-Cortez responded to Manchin’s comments on Tuesday in a tweet.

“I find it amusing when politicians try to diminish the seriousness of our policy work, movement organizing & grassroots fundraising to ‘she just tweets,’ as though ‘serious’ politics is only done by begging corporate CEOs for money through wax-sealed envelopes delivered by raven,” Ocasio-Cortez whined.

Manchin does seem to be onto something considering it appears that Ocasio-Cortez has not brought forward a single bill that has become law.

The Daily Wire reports:

Ocasio Cortez Job

According to Congress.gov, Ocasio-Cortez has not introduced a single bill as the primary sponsor that has become law. In fact, the furthest any of her bills have made it is to Floor Consideration and that was just one bill. She has cosponsored 11 bills that have become law.

Manchin also hammered Ocasio-Cortez in a separate interview with Fox News.

“They’ll have to answer to the public,” Manchin said to Fox News as he was discussing the Squad’s refusal to compromise on coronavirus related legislation. “We’ve come in a bipartisan, bicameral way to agree on $908 billion. Some will say it’s too much. Some will say it’s not enough. I don’t know how you please everybody but we found something that met the needs we think America has.”

Manchin went on to say, “I don’t know the young lady. I really don’t. Maybe she’s a fine – I just don’t know her. I understand we have different political positions. And that’s fine.”

Ocasio Cortez Career

“She’s very astute in the social arena,” he added. “But we just got to get something done. And I hope they recognize that. We’re helping everybody in her area, in every district, in every state.”

On Twitter last month, Manchin unleashed on his own party for their push to “Defund the Police.”


“Defund the police? Defund, my butt,” he said. “I’m a proud West Virginia Democrat. We are the party of working men and women. We want to protect Americans’ jobs & healthcare. We do not have some crazy socialist agenda, and we do not believe in defunding the police.”

Ocasio-Cortez then did the only thing she knows how to do; Tweet without offering any solid arguments to the discussion.

Ocasio Cortez Jobs

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