L Slot Port Box Calculator

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Speaker Box Enclosure Designer / Calculator

L Slot Port Box CalculatorL slot port box calculator onlinePort

L Slot Port Box Calculator

  1. The 'Minimum Port Area Required' result is how much port area you will need to keep port velocity under about 30 meter per second for slot ports and 32 meters per second for aero (or other round) ports. Port velocities above these numbers are where serious port compression sets in.
  2. 'Port noise' can ruin the sound of an otherwise good enclosure design. If you do not have the Xmax figure for your driver(s), leave the default value (it is an average value suitable for most subwoofers). If you want to use this calculator, first choose what size driver(s) you are using, then enter how many are in your enclosure.

L Slot Port Box Calculator Estimate


L Slot Port Box Calculator Download

Aug 04, 2009 Overview: This is a calculator for designing a L-Slot Vent Bass Reflex Enclosure. The formulas used in the calculator create a design that suggests the most maximally flat response in an anechoic environment based on the number of drivers, the thiele small parameters and the allotted dimensions specified in the user’s input fields. Calculating the displacement of a slot port is very similar to calculating enclosure volume. The difference is we are not only concerned with the internal volume of the port, but the total volume of the port, (including its walls) that is inside the enclosure. Width = 4.5” Height = 4.5” Depth = 12”. Port Length Calculator This calculator will determine what length port to use in your ported enclosure. S elect whether you are using a round or slotted port for you box design. E nter the number of ports you are using, the internal airspace of your box, then tuning frequency you wish to use, and then hit calculate button.